Convenient stores are called so because they are in the area, carry the basics of what you need, etc. What if the store was brought to you! And what if you could maximize on multitasking and shop for groceries while otherwise waiting around doing absolutely nothing?? That must be exactly what the creators of this revolutionary shopping system thought too.
Now, when I first saw this before arriving in Korea, I thought...who on EARTH would do this?! How absurd. People like to see what they're buying and see how fresh it is...ESPECIALLY groceries. Besides, most older people wouldn't have smart phones and most people wouldn't use this because people like to see the real thing. After arriving, I came to realize that in the daily life of a Korean person, working and keeping up with all of their relationships, which is EXTREMELY important, something like this is PERFECT. Older people do have smart phones and the goods are as good as you see them. Plus, nothing is ever out of stock or out of place. Everything is perfectly, neatly organized. Why make an extra stop to the grocery store after working a full day, have to either walk 10 miles or play frogger in slow mo with your car, and then lug a 24 pack of bottled water home when you don't have to! You're already in the subway, you're waiting for your train anyways, might as well use that time to select something to make for dinner tonight.
I saw it in person for the first time and it really took me by surprise. That first picture up there...looks JUST like the stuff in the store looks. It's eerily similar to see something like this plastered on a column or glass window.
I saw it in person for the first time and it really took me by surprise. That first picture up there...looks JUST like the stuff in the store looks. It's eerily similar to see something like this plastered on a column or glass window.
[They even put lights on the column to make it look more real]
I mean, you'd think by looking at this picture, that this lady is in a grocery store...when really, right next to her is the rotating entrance to the subway train. It's a neat idea, and definitely something interesting and out of the ordinary to look at, but, to be completely honest with you, I don't think I'd ever use it.
A) Because I am one of those people that likes to pick my own fruits and veggies based on looks. For example, I always choose smaller strawberries because they're less mushy, and I push down on apples to see if it dents easily because I like them really crunchy.
and B) Because I may end up buying more than I need. If I'm at the store carrying everything, a full basket will tell me it's time to stop shopping and deny all impulse buys. If I have no basket, I'm free to buy as much as I want, which would most likely result in overspending on unnecessary wants. No bueno for the pocket book.
Who knows, though. People thought cell phones were ridiculous when they first came out, and were convinced that an electronic leash would never catch on, but here I am posting pictures I took on my cell phone and sent to my email. :P